There is artistic practice that could be called both music and non-music. Such cases are evidence of an insufficiency in discourse: we cannot properly talk about them because ‘music’ isn’t a suitable word to address them. A selection of such cases is presented, from unusual instruments and performance strategies to composed theatre, including examples from Parviainen’s own artistic practice.
Julkaisut vuodelta 2020
Pessi Parviainen When Nothing Is Called Music: Ecological Composition
Joa Hug Propositions for Unfinished Thinking
The Research Score as a Medium of Artistic Research
This research exposition presents the process and results of the author’s doctoral research at the Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy at the University of the Arts Helsinki, and is the final written part—the commentary—to fulfil the degree requirements. The research tackled the division between embodied and conceptual modes of reflection – a problem that is considered a key challenge for research into performer training.
Vincent Roumagnac Reacclimating the Stage (Skenomorphoses)
An Ecotonal Doctoral Piece in 40 Scènes, 15 Parergonal Writings and 5 Double-Postcards
From the perspective of mise-en-scène (staging), and correlatively that of the place and the practice of the metteur-en-scène (theatre director), this artistic research project addresses, examines and experiments on the question of the scenic/scenographic representation of a postnatural world, in climate transition, affected by global warming and moved by abstract data-flows, in a tangled web of storms, information, and algorithms.
Mari Rusi-Pyykönen Hetkestä syntynyttä: suunnanmuutoksia ja uudenlaista otetta osallistavan teatterin käytäntöihin
Osallistava teatteri alkoi levitä Suomeen 1960–1970-lukujen vaihteessa. Tällöin osallistavia käytäntöjä luonnehti yhteisöllisyys ja yhteiskunnallisesti aktivistinen asennoituminen. Onko tämä historiallinen perspektiivi tullut toimintakentässä läpinäkymättömäksi? Väitöstutkimuksessaan Mari Rusi-Pyykönen pyrkii kirkastamaan osallistavan teatterin käytäntöjen historiallista muotoutumista nykytilanteen vakiintuneiden toimintamuotojen näkökulmasta.